About Agile Australia
Agile Australia 2010 is the Australian conference for the exchange of ideas, information and practical examples of Agile in the enterprise. From the outset, an Agile approach is all about delivering business value - which is why this year's Agile Australia conference has adopted the theme, "Delivering business value with Agile". This year's Agile Australia conference is to be held in Melbourne and will bring together those who want to learn more, exchange ideas and share with peers. We do hope you will join us for what promises to be a fantastic conference!
Agile software development values: |
» Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
» Working software over comprehensive documentation
» Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
» Responding to change over following a plan
About the Organiser
SlatteryIT is very proud to be organising Agile Australia 2010.
Our team - along with the support and direction of the advisors and the Agile Alliance - is dedicated to furthering the understanding and collaboration of Australia's Agile community. The Agile Australia 2010 Conference is designed to bring together business executives across enterprises and government to hear the experiences and perspectives of leading Agile practitioners, peers and international experts.
SlatteryIT provides marketing, corporate communications and event management services for clients with innovative and/or complex products or services.
SlatteryIT consistently creates, produces and manages a range of highly successful events for our clients including Australia's leading R&D organisations, industry associations within the IT and telecommunications space, established international companies and pioneering local innovative leaders.
As a result of our weekly e-newsletter, Slattery's Watch, and the events we run including www.tech23.com.au and www.fundingconnect.com.au, SlatteryIT boasts an enviable database of those working at the intersection of technology business and innovation.
We pride ourselves on our ability to bring passion and imagination to everything we do.