Social Program
ThoughtWorks Open House
5.45PM – 11.00PM | WED 17.JUN.15 | ThoughtWorks Sydney Office
ThoughtWorks will once again host an Open House on the first night of the conference. The Open House is legendary, and whether you are returning this year, or attending for the first time, we assure you that this is the Agile Australia social event not to be missed! Register here to secure your place. Drinks and canapés provided. Registration is open to Agile Australia delegates only.
Agile Closing Reception
5.30PM – 8.00PM | THU 18.JUN.15 | Zeta Bar, Hilton Hotel
Unwind after three days of learning, making connections, and embracing the Art of Simplicity. We hope you’ll join us at the stylish and sleek Zeta Bar for drinks and canapes and breathtaking views to close off the 2015 Agile conference.