About Brady March
Brady March is an Agile Coach with 20+ years Information Technology experience across various industries. Having lived and worked with a disability for his entire career, Brady is passionate about both advocating for people that need it, and helping people feel empowered to advocate for themselves. Being part of the employee reference group within Telstra, TelstrAbility, he enjoys being able to raise awareness of disabilities in the workplace and helping people understand how to work better together. On top of that, for his day-job, Brady works in Telstra’s Digital Accessibility team focussing on Ways of Working and engagement. Constantly fine tuning the way the team works together, as well as with their stakeholders, has a real and tangible positive impact on the accessibility of Telstra’s digital assets – making it easier for him to get out of bed each morning!
Accessibility; Solve for one, Extend to many
See how bringing accessibility into your communications connects more people and learn about the mindset that will help you get there.
Living and working with a disability, Brady March has become a strong advocate for accessibility in the workplace. Through both his own experiences, and those of people he has worked closely with, combined with nearly a decade working in Agile teams across different organisations, Brady has developed a wealth of knowledge on what an individual can do to make their work more accessible to all.
During this session, Brady will:
- Share his lived experience of working in Agile teams with a disability;
- Explore the underlying mindset for making everything you do accessible;
- Work through some practical tips on building accessibility into Agile; and
- Run through how to take what you have learnt and build on it.
Walk away with a better understanding of what accessibility means, and how it helps more than just people with a disability; along with practical tips on how to build accessibility into your Agile practices and develop the mindset that helps grow accessibility in your communications.