Pia Andrews
Pia Andrews

About Pia Andrews

Pia Andrews is an open government and open data ninja, working within the machine to enable greater transparency, democratic engagement, citizen-centric design and real, pragmatic actual innovation in the public sector and beyond. Basically she is trying to do her part in establishing greater public benefit from publicly funded data, software and research.

Pia is also passionate about the Australian tech sector, and continually works to improve the scene for startups, SMEs and clever people do clever things in Australia. This includes work in policy development, in public consultations (eg, the ICT industry Public Sphere, and the Digital Culture Public Sphere) and is interested in how government procurement policy can better facilitate government engagement with SMEs to tap into a broader skills and services base.

Please check out pipka.org for her blog 🙂

Adopting Adaptive Policy Management

Policy design, delivery and management has faced a lot of challenges in the modern age. The separation of policy design and delivery created challenges for realising policy intent at the speed of change. The lack of multi-disciplinary and whole of lifecycle policy management created challenges for test driven approaches that can detect and mitigate unintended impacts. The commodification of public institutions created challenges for policy makers to engage with and leverage public expertise and lived experience.

Pia Andrews will present a purpose-driven, modern and adaptive approach to the policy cycle, to address all of these challenges, and support public institutions to deliver and maximise policy and community outcomes, even through continuous change. The framework will include a modernised policy cycle, enablers and techniques that can be adopted immediately, including a strategic and holistic approach to shared policy infrastructure for the 21st century.