AgileAus23 Streams

If you submit to speak at AgileAus23 you will be asked to choose a stream your submission can call home. Below is a description of these streams to help you. Remember these are only a guide (and some of them are still WIP so will be updated shortly). Streams are used to gather talks in a “bucket” for chairs and reviewers to more easily review and shortlist.

Towards technical excellence

Chairs: Geoffrey Dunn and Nish Mahanty
Agile delivery and software technical practices go hand in hand. This stream explores how engineering practices, emerging tools and technologies, and new software development approaches to shape and influence how organisations deliver value.

What metrics matter to you? What technologies or tools have resulted in an uplift in productivity in your organisation? What technical practices would you never skip? What innovative use of technology surprised you?

Build the Right Product

Chairs: Sandra Davey and Sarah Kirkby
Building the right products involves working with all parts of the business. What strategies, aha moments or lessons learnt could you share with others who are also trying to find the most valuable thing to create?

This stream explores how value can be created through growth in a new market, development of a disruptive product, self-sufficiency for internal product teams, reaching product-market fit, effecting a policy change, or creating impact that is measured in other forms besides $$.

Can we hear from anyone who has insights into the evolution of product management, product strategy, product launch, go-to-market experiences, operationalising products, regulated or data products, Organisation Design with a focus on product aligned teams and how best to achieve sustainable and ethical product development?

The fundamentals

Chairs: Kevin Loong and Craig Smith
What have we learnt, but forgotten and why? Let’s get back to the core of agile and agility. This stream will look to explore the rituals that work, retros and experiments that embody the values and principles of agile, lean, kaizen and kanban. We will look for stories of learning and growth that others can learn from and stories that speak to the question, ‘Why Agile?’

The Future of Work

Chairs: Stephanie Ireland and Jody Weir
Have you got a talk on the future of organisational design? Or how best to work remote, hybrid, distributed? Is there a new tool or technique you would like to share? What should agilists be paying attention to now to create the future we want?

This stream is about where work is heading – and how we ensure we are going in a great direction!

Leading Change

Chairs: Elise Aplin, Nafees Butt and Lachlan Heasman
Change is challenging; however it’s inevitable and mastering it can be a critical differentiator for organisations and leaders. So, how do we successfully bring change to our organisations and make it last?

We want to hear your stories about leading change. These might be stories from the top down, bottom-up or sideways. We’re looking for exciting stories that describe the impact of change on all the people involved: your colleagues, customers and you!

To gain a holistic view of the impacts of the change, we’re also seeking answers to questions, like:

  • What did and didn’t work?
  • Who was involved, and who wasn’t?
  • Was it one significant change or many small changes?
  • How did you measure the success of this change?
  • What was the impact on the organisation’s market position?
  • What things wouldn’t you change if you could start again?

This list is not exhaustive, so share with us answers to the questions we didn’t even think to ask.

Organisational Agility

Chairs: Chris Chan and Sue Hogg
This stream is about how organisations have embraced agility to better position to thrive in a constantly evolving marketplace. We would love to hear stories how you were able to quickly pivot and adjust your organisation’s strategy, processes, and operations to seize opportunities or respond to threats. How people in your organisation have built an organisational culture that encourages experimentation, collaboration, continuous learning, and flexible structures and processes that can quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

Lighting talks

Chair: Katrina Kolt
Think you can tell a great story in just five minutes? A lightning talk is a succinct opportunity to communicate an idea or learning to the audience. Whether it’s a story of success, failure or experimentation, if it’s an idea worth sharing, we’d love to hear from you.

Here are some topic prompts to trigger your creativity:

  • Five ways to…
  • What we can learn from…
  • How to … in three easy steps
  • Think twice before you try…

I don’t know

Chair: Brett Wakeman
You can throw your submission in this stream if you need help to find your submission the right home. Some talks may not fit into any of the streams so the talks left in the Wilderness can still find a warm cloak and a light to find their way.