Jonathan Smart
Co-founder, Sooner Safer Happier

About Jonathan Smart
Jonathan Smart is a business agility practitioner, thought leader, and coach. Jon is the lead author of the award winning and bestselling ‘Sooner Safer Happier: Patterns and Antipatterns for Business Agility’ (IT Revolution Press, Nov 2020) and co-founder of Sooner Safer Happier Ltd, helping organisations deliver better value sooner, safer, and happier through the application of agile and lean principles and practices organisation wide. Prior to that Jon led Ways of Working globally for Barclays Bank, helping to triple productivity, with the highest recorded levels of colleague engagement. Jon has been an agile and lean practitioner since the early 1990s, delivering business value through technology, with a career in Financial Services, starting on the trading floor in investment banking. Jon is the founder of the Enterprise Agility Leaders Network, a member of the Programming Committee for the DevOps Enterprise Summit, a member of the Business Agility Institute Advisory Council, a guest speaker at London Business School, and speaks at numerous conferences a year.Better Value Sooner Safer Happier
In this talk, Jonathan Smart will share key Patterns (tailwinds) and Antipatterns (headwinds) for business agility. These are lessons learnt the hard way, when improving ways of working across large organisations, in order to deliver Better Value Sooner Safer & Happier. Jon will share learnings, both from personal experience and from many large organisations, so that you don’t need to make the same mistakes!