Plan your journey for Day 1 and Day 2.
L3: Ballroom A & B
L3: Ballroom A & B
Conference open & Welcome to Country
Risk, Community and a Courageous Australia
Damien Cave
The New York Times
How impossible becomes possible
L3: Ballroom A
Little changes, big impact. This is the story of a little telco, with a big heart
Denisse Dimatatac
Panel: Reimagining work
Sherif Mansour
Nicole Olver
Renee Troughton
Judo Bank
L3: Ballroom A
Panel: Reimagining work
Sherif Mansour
Nicole Olver
Renee Troughton
Judo Bank
L3: Ballroom B
Making deliberate organisational culture choices and allowing Agile to emerge
Dave Bales
L3: Ballroom A
Dancing with a brain tumour; how an Agile growth mindset, Cynefin and sprint planning helped me dance to a new tune
Rebecca Gordon
Services Australia
L3: Ballroom A
Using Agile to spearhead change in the healthcare industry
Adri de Vleeschauwer
Catherine Drury
L3: Ballroom B
Adaptability in the fog of war: How the history of warfare reflects modern-day Agility
Benjamin Chee
Dan Verssen Games
AgileAus21 - Hilton Sydney - Thursday 9 December 2021
AgileAus21 - Hilton Sydney - Thursday 9 December 2021
Conference address
Victor Dominello
NSW Government
Hardwired for connection
Zoë Coyle
Pilot Light
Designs that help people transition to new ways of living
L3: Ballroom A & B
Conference address
Victor Dominello
NSW Government
Hardwired for connection
Zoë Coyle
Pilot Light
Designs that help people transition to new ways of living
Putting the resilience back into resilience: leading in a challenged world
Michael Cavanagh
The University of Sydney
L3: Ballroom A
Putting the resilience back into resilience: leading in a challenged world
Michael Cavanagh
The University of Sydney
L3: Ballroom B
^Measuring enterprise agility and leadership through organisational psychology
Matthew Hodgson
Mia Horrigan
Zen Ex Machina
Essential SAFe: The Ten Critical Success Factors
Em Campbell-Pretty
Pretty Agile
1 hour session, BB & 🙂
L3: Ballroom B
Shifting the blame game between business & IT to a shared accountability Tribe model
Guido Swinkels
Natalie Ramantanis
ING Australia
L4: Interactive lounge
Essential SAFe: The Ten Critical Success Factors
Em Campbell-Pretty
Pretty Agile
1 hour session, BB & 🙂
L3: Ballroom A
How to thrive in this new remote world - a software engineer's perspective
Rhoda Esquivel
L4: Interactive lounge
Traps to avoid in Agile: lessons from Squid Game
Ben Crothers
Bright Pilots
BB & 🙂
L3: Ballroom A
Agile and the Art of Winemaking
Paru Madhavan
ELMO Cloud HR & Payroll
30 minute talk & BB
End Day 2
AgileAus21 retrospective
Closing drinks
AgileAus21 retrospective
Closing drinks
^ Sponsored session
BB Best for Beginners (or those wanting a refresher!)
🙂 Interactive/game
Add to your AgileAus experience

AgileAus21 Workshops
Friday 10 December 2021
Sydney venue TBC
Have questions? You can give us a call on 03 9663 3093 or chat to us at
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