Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Asma Sikandar Gulbaz Quality Engineering Leader, Slalom Build

Quinton Quartel

About Asma Sikandar Gulbaz

Over 18 years ago, Asma Sikandar Gulbaz began her career as a Software Engineer, later evolving into a quality engineering leader dedicated to minimising rework, streamlining development workflows, and enhancing customer experience. With acquired experience over the years, she has been driving continuous improvement in product releases and processes, collaborating closely with users, development teams, and stakeholders. Asma excels in implementing effective delivery practices, automation frameworks, and tracking quality trends to enable informed decision-making. Her passion lies in coaching her teams to become effective problem solvers and encouraging them to expand their expertise into new areas. Her experience spans across product and technology consulting services, with industry sectors including fintech, retail, sports, and video technology. Lastly, don’t hesitate to connect with her if you’re a Lego enthusiast, as she’s an avid collector of mini Lego figurines.

Session Disrupt silos with "(Technical) Ways of Working"

While cross-functional teams once reigned supreme, this concept seems to be diminishing yet again, and silos seem to be slowly creeping in within teams. Join Asma Sikander Gulbaz for a talk where an engineering leader will unveil the power of a newly coined term: “(Technical) Ways of Working,” set to disrupt these barriers and empower teams with a practical approach to embrace collaborative responsibility, ensuring seamless project success!