Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Catherine Drury Agile Coach, Roche Products

Quinton Quartel

About Catherine Drury

With over 15 years experience in research and development, Catherine Drury was one of the first in the Australian pharmaceutical industry to champion Agile ways of working. As Roche Australia’s first Agile Coach, she has played a key role in driving the local organisation’s Agile transformation. She continues to coach and guide a number of cross-functional teams and colleagues across the Roche global network, sharing her passion and knowledge for Agile ways of thinking and working in a learning organisation. Prior to taking on the Agile Coach role in 2019, she led the operational strategy for Roche’s clinical trial programs across Asia Pacific for various diseases. In 2014, she had the opportunity to lead the global operational strategy for first-in-human research and development projects for Genentech (Roche’s USA organisation) based out of San Francisco. More recently, her passion for continuous self-learning expanded to completing a Masters in Coaching Psychology at the University of Sydney, where she is also an executive committee of the alumni coaching association (USCMA). Her ability to coach, network and build relationships at all levels in an organisation have enabled her to achieve results. As a certified practitioner of human-centred design, she thrives when collaborating with teams to explore creative solutions to complex business challenges to maximise and deliver value, impact and opportunities. This strategic agility enables her to empower teams to navigate complex problems and decision-making in a fast paced and changing environment across a cross-functional, multi-cultural and geographically international matrix.

Session Changing governance to drive better outcomes, faster

with Simone Taylor – Finance Director and Compliance Officer, Roche Products

In any organisation, governance isn’t just a nice to have – it’s essential. But what does governance really mean, and how do you change this when you’re transforming to be more Agile and respond quickly to the external environment? In this session we will challenge traditional annual planning and budgeting and share how it is possible to adapt your planning and funding model, distribute decision making and evolve the role of leaders. Join us on a transformative journey as we share and explore how changing governance can drive better outcomes.