Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Rashina Hoda Professor (Software Engineering), Monash University

Quinton Quartel

About Rashina Hoda

Rashina Hoda has been researching industrial Agile practice since the mid-2000s. She is constantly in awe of how practitioners make Agile work, despite the practical challenges. With her research teams, she has developed evidence-based theories and published around 150 research articles on topics such as self-organising teams, self-assignment, role of the project manager in Agile teams, coordination in large-scale Agile, human values in Agile methods, and more recently on ‘augmented Agile’ combining the human heart with the AI mind for the next generation of software project management. She is a book author, TEDx speaker, a Superstar of STEM (2021-2022), and serves as the Associate Dean for Equity Diversity and Inclusion at the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. Rashina enjoys presenting the ‘Voice of Agile Research’ to a wide range of audiences and has spoken at Agile Australia, Agile New Zealand, Agile India, and the XP conferences over the years.

Panel Discussion Shaping the future of work

with Michael Fagan – CEO, Quitch; Seep Gulati – Software Engineer, Department of Government Services; Katrina Kolt – Transformation Partner, Aurecon

The Agile manifesto emerged over 20 years ago and with it came an infusion of new perspectives, ways of working and skill requirements.

We now find ourselves in a new paradigm. What will the world of work be like when reasoning, communicating and coordinating – all traits with a comparative advantage for humans – are more automatable by artificial intelligence?

How are universities and workplaces getting ahead of the curve to prepare students and those already in the workforce for what’s needed next?

What part will AQ, or Adaptability Quotient play in how we succeed in the world of work?

Join Katrina Kolt as she hosts a fireside chat with Michael Fagan, Seep Gulati and Rashina Hoda to explore how we can shape successful workplaces of the future.

Part exploration and part futurespective, we invite you to join the conversation as we consider disruption, mindset and skills and what it means for Agilists of the future.