Be a Speaker at AgileAus24
We are inviting those withat AgileAus24 to throw their hat in the ring by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) from 1 February to 20 February 2024.
We encourage people to submit a short outline of their topic to present a 5-minute lightning talk or a 30-minute presentation. The EOI process also asks you to provide some information about the speaker, and welcomes the inclusion of links to a short video or previous presentations you have made. You can read the blog here for more guidance on the content and criteria.
To find out more about what kind of content we’d like to hear, you can view the Conference streams here. An overview on how the Conference program will be created is available here.
- AgileAus takes great pride in nurturing speakers both brand new and seasoned to have the best possible experience during their time with us! From the moment speakers are conditionally accepted up until the curtain falls, you will be given every opportunity to shine and have your story resonate with a welcoming community.
- Make valuable connections! AgileAus will help introduce you to curious minds, possible collaborators and new friends long after the Conference.
- Sharing your story with an audience of industry peers is a valuable exercise to articulate and crystallise your thinking and develop your presentation skills and confidence.
- Speaking at AgileAus24 is an excellent opportunity to represent your organisation and share its unique journey.
- Sharing your knowledge and experience will help your peers find value and meaning in their work.
- All those invited to speak at AgileAus24 receive a complimentary registration to the two-day Conference where you can learn and network.
- Speakers (not including lightning talk speakers) will receive AU$300 towards any flights needed to attend the Conference.
- AgileAus is particularly passionate about nurturing, uplifting and celebrating those who speak at the Conference as they are the heart of the event. As a speaker you will have access to support in the form of energising and illuminating speaker bootcamps, a program guide (who will ‘buddy’ with you to help your talk be the best it can be) and the space to practise until you reach your own brand of ‘perfect’!
What past speakers have said

Timeline of Important Dates
EOI submissions open for 2 WEEKS ONLY.
Hopeful speakers submit their EOIs, and people (after creating a login) can comment, ask questions and advocate for the talks they want to see at AgileAus24.
Chairs and Reviewers clarify submissions by asking questions and giving feedback.
EOI Information session (held via Zoom) for submitters to ask questions and receive guidance on how best to submit an EOI.
Please RSVP to
EOI Information session #2 (held via Zoom) for submitters to ask questions and receive guidance on how best to submit an EOI.
Please RSVP to
EOI submissions to speak at AgileAus24 close.
EOI submitters can still edit their EOIs to reflect feedback.
EOI submitters can no longer update their EOIs.
Chairs and Reviewers begin whittling down EOI submissions and produce a shortlist of talks.
Chairs meet to determine the final shortlist.
All submitters are notified if they have (or have not) been provisionally invited to speak at AgileAus24.
Speakers are paired with a program guide (buddy) to help guide them through to the Conference.
Speaker bootcamp part 1: online edition (an information session held over zoom)
Easter Break!
All-day Speaker Bootcamp part 2 (Content and Storytelling) in-person in Melbourne, led by acclaimed author, presenter and facilitator, Zoe Coyle – all speakers (invited and provisional) are encouraged to attend this fun, tools-based bootcamp to work on the key ingredients and framework to help build and finesse a great presentation.
All-day Speaker Bootcamp part 3 (Performance and Delivery) in-person in Melbourne, led by Zoe Coyle
An opportunity for all speakers (invited and provisional) to take their presentation to the next level! Learn invaluable rehearsal techniques and guidance to help manage your voice, nerves and energy levels to really hit it out of the park at AgileAus24!
Speakers move from provisional to confirmed speakers once receiving final sign off from their program guides.
AgileAus24 Conference!
Including speaker breakfast on Monday 12 August 2024
Who else speaks at Agile Australia?
Anyone is invited to submit up to two EOIs to speak at AgileAus24 and possibly be selected to be a community speaker through a peer-review process. Other speakers at the Conference are invited speakers and sponsored talks.
Invited speakers
AgileAus24 will include speakers invited to speak by TeamSlatts, the organisers, to address hot topics and any gaps in the program.
Sponsored sessions
It is possible for sponsors to purchase presentation spots labelled as such on the program.
Deep Dives
Invited and keynote speakers are encouraged to participate in interactive, intimate Deep Dive sessions where attendees can pick their brains by asking questions.
How long do I speak?
Who am I speaking to?
Usually those attending the Conference are members of multidisciplinary teams with job titles such as delivery lead, business analyst, product manager and agile coach. Most attendees work at large enterprises across a range of sectors such as finance and telecommunications or from up-and-coming startups, government and for-purpose organisations. Half of those attending are usually attending the AgileAus conference for the first time. And there is a real mix of exposure and experience with Agile and favourite flavours of Agile.
Those attending the Conference can read the description of your talk and decide to attend. We are never sure how many will end up in any room. The closer the description of your talk matches the audience who can most benefit from your talk, the more receptive your audience will be!
How do I submit an EOI?
You must log in to the EOI system and create an account to submit your proposed EOI. To learn more about what kind of content is preferred, please refer to this criteria.
You are welcome to submit up to two EOIs.
Please note that any confirmation emails from the submission system may get stuck in your spam folder, so be sure to check if you are missing them!
How are rooms set up at the conference?
How do I know if I’m on the right track?
Attend the EOI Information session being held via Zoom on Thursday 1 February 2024 @ 12:00pm AEDT. Please RSVP to
If you need extra guidance to help your EOI be the best it can be, you can request assistance from the AgileAus EOI doctor.
The doctor’s role is to work outside the reviewing process, offering advice and answering questions to those that need it one-on-one. To be connected with this free service, please email:
How does feedback work?
As a submitter, you may receive feedback in the following ways:
- Comments and votes on your EOI submission from reviewers and/or the wider community
- If your EOI is unsuccessful: you may seek feedback via email or phone.
- Feedback is intended to help submitters refine and iterate their presentation submissions and should help flesh out the value of an EOI – are there points that need clarification? Are the learning outcomes obvious? Is this a unique perspective?
- Community member names will appear next to all comments in the submission system and are visible for all to see. Feedback is always expected to be constructive and fair.
- Those submitting EOIs are advised that feedback is subjective. It is just a suggestion and represents only one point of view. Submitters are not obliged to take on feedback and should not assume feedback will dictate the application result.
- Any inappropriate comments in the submission system will be removed. Please alert us via email at
- If you are a speaker at AgileAus, we have your back. You can view what behaviour is encouraged at AgileAus on the community charter.
- Shortlisted speakers are provisionally invited to speak at the Conference. Acceptance on the final program occurs in mid-June 2024 – with sign-off from program guides.
How does AgileAus decide which talks make it?
AgileAus has a brainstrust made up of community representatives that take on volunteer positions of Chairs and Reviewers. They help review the submissions and together decide which talks should be selected.
AgileAus takes special care to ensure that no constituency is over or underrepresented across the breadth of talks on the program, which include but are not limited to the following considerations when we plan the program:
- A balance between theoretical and practical talks
- A balance between tech and non-tech talks
- A diverse representation of different organisational sizes (from enterprise to startup), and industries (from financial services to for purpose)
- A selection of speaker roles and job titles
- Representation of marginalised groups and individuals.
You can read an overview on how the Conference program is created here.
What are the streams?
The streams help by grouping talks that a dedicated team of volunteers can review as well as calling out for what the community has expressed they want to hear in their stream descriptions. If you are unsure what stream your talk belongs to, you can say “I don’t know” stream and we will allocate you as best we can. AgileAus24 streams are:
- Delivery
- Culture
- Change
- Tech
- Leadership
- Future of Work
- Product
- Lightning Talks
You can read the stream descriptions here.
How are speakers compensated?
All those invited to speak at AgileAus24 receive a complimentary registration to the Conference.
For Speakers (not including Lightning Talks) travelling from interstate or overseas, AgileAus is happy to contribute up to AU$300 towards any flights taken. Reimbursements will be paid to you post-event, provided you can attend and present your talk.
To ensure they can share the love – AgileAus speakers receive a 10% discount code for their colleagues, clients and network to attend AgileAus24.
AgileAus also provides speakers many opportunities to promote their message as part of the Conference – with invitations to guest post on the AgileTODAY blog and social media materials to share.