Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Peter Bradd APAC Chief Evangelist, Miro

Quinton Quartel

About Peter Bradd

Elevating teams to new heights of innovation and collaboration, Peter Bradd stands at the forefront of Australia’s tech and innovation landscape. As the Miro APAC Chief Evangelist, Bradd ignites a passion for transformative change, drawing upon over 15 years of expertise spanning tech startups, corporate innovation, and digital transformation.

Peter’s journey is a testament to his pioneering spirit. Co-founder of iconic ventures such as Qantas Postcards and Fishburners, he has sculpted the very fabric of Australia’s startup ecosystem. At Fishburners, Peter nurtured a thriving community of over 175 startups, orchestrating thousands of events that galvanised the next generation of tech innovators.

His influence extends beyond startups, with pivotal roles in shaping national innovation policy through StartupAUS. As a founding director, Peter spearheaded initiatives that cemented Australia’s position as a global tech hub. His vision and leadership continue to reverberate through initiatives like the Australian Tech Council, driving unprecedented collaboration between government, industry, and startups.

Peter’s impact resonates across diverse sectors, from financial services and education to government and media. His unwavering commitment to fostering innovation cultures has earned him accolades as one of Australia’s top 10 most influential figures in technology.

At Miro, Peter’s mission transcends mere evangelism; it’s a call to action for teams worldwide to embrace the power of collective creation. Armed with a toolbox of collaboration techniques and a platform designed for limitless innovation, Peter empowers teams to not just dream, but to build the future together.

Play & Do Session Facilitating Agile events: enhancing accessibility

The WHO’s estimates that 1 in 7 people have a disability. Even one excluded team member can significantly impact team dynamics. This session addresses the necessity of accessibility-friendly sessions for Agile teams, considering various challenges such as visual, auditory, mobility and neurodiversity.

Join Miro’s Chief Evangelist for an engaging play and do session designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge to create an environment where every team member can thrive.

What You’ll Learn:

Overview of accessibility, and a deep dive into the four major categories of accessibility: visual, mobility, hearing and neurodiversity. Learn what common technology is used to assist.

Reflect on how to create accessibility-friendly Agile rituals.

The session is a play and do and will provide an opportunity to ‘play and do; with other attendees.

Why Attend?

  • Learn to recognise and address diverse accessibility needs.
  • Improve visual accessibility challenges in facilitated sessions.
  • Design Agile sessions that accommodate various abilities.
  • Implement visual facilitation best practices.
  • Discuss how to apply these practices in real-world scenarios.

Special Note:

Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop for the session to maximise the hands-on experience.

Who Should Attend?

  • Anyone passionate about creating inclusive and effective Agile environments
  • Agile Coaches and Scrm Masters
  • Product Managers and Team Leaders
  • UX/UI Designers
  • Facilitators

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a lasting impact on your Agile practices.