Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Suzanne Nottage Manager, Enterprise Agility, IAG

Quinton Quartel

About Suzanne Nottage

Suzanne Nottage has led Agile transformations in large, complex fin tech organisations in the UK and Australia since 2009. Results include accelerating delivery speeds by 40-60% (>200 projects) with >80% positive user feedback, improving project delivery predictability to ~90% and portfolio delivery confidence by >30%, running Big Room Planning Events in 7 countries, introducing Business Agility metrics at scale (WIP, cycle time, lead time), and increasing team eNPS from -14 to +72. Her MMgt thesis shared original research on improving productivity and happiness in Scrum teams via reducing unplanned work and WIP. Outside of work Suzanne uses the same mindset and principles in sport, with results including third fastest female at Gold Coast Double (half + full marathon, 2023), fastest female in AG (Ironman Australia, 2017) and solo Spain – Morocco Gibraltar Strait swim (2014).

Session Accelerating 200+ projects by 40-60% using scaled Lean-Agile

Ever worked in a large organisation that has multiple project delivery frameworks, slowing the flow of work? This case study presents how a large, complex, financial services organisation de-duplicated its 7 project delivery frameworks into ‘one framework to rule them all’, using Agile/Lean principles.

The results include accelerating the speed of 200+ projects by 40-60%, reducing ‘zombie’ projects by ~15%, and with >80% user satisfaction.This session is valuable to anyone working at program/portfolio level with an interest in how to improve complex, adaptive systems. You will learn what worked well, what didn’t, and what we’d do differently next time.

You’ll leave with an understanding of how to combine Lean-Agile principles to accelerate the flow of value, how to design and deliver a framework that has high user satisfaction, and with a takeaway one-pager of 6 top actions you can apply in your own organisation to improve productivity (and happiness) in your teams.