Geoffrey Dunn

Agile Coach, ResMed
Geoffrey Dunn

About Geoffrey Dunn

Geoffrey Dunn had been creating software professionally for 10 years before learning a better way with Agile software development. Another 10 years practising Agile development and he is still learning how to do things better. In working as a developer, a tester, a leader and a coach he has explored many of the challenges that teams face first hand.

At ResMed Geoff has been supporting teams in their Agile journey for 9 years. Helping overcome the technical challenges of Agile development on embedded software. The process hurdles of working in the highly regulated field of Medical Devices. And the people and interactions that enable collaboration and innovation while managing conflict. Geoff has always been a passionate supporter of the Agile Community. He is supported by his wife and two cats and devotes some of his free time to helping officiate roller derby matches.

Helping make technical decisions when you’re not a developer

What role does a Scrum Master or a Coach serve when developers are making key decisions? If a team is split on what the best possible solution is, what happens next? When we look to frameworks like Scrum there isn’t any guidance in this space. Agile asks us to make self-organising teams but is it possible to create an environment where all the developers are equal? Where all voices are valued input. And decisions can still be made.

Geoff has always been a fan of the way frameworks imply the team is a team of equals but rarely see it in practice. ResMed went through an experience where the key decision maker, a software Architect, was removed and they tried to continue the team without replacing that role. That experience has continued to inform how they want technical decisions to be made but it’s required them to equip our teams with new approaches and ways of working.

In this talk, Geoff will be covering where a Facilitator can help in guiding these decisions. Where skills in coaching and facilitation can help. Where bringing an Agile Mindset is important. And why all of this has to be built on a foundation of a team with empathy to support a team to make the decision without slipping into an authoritarian approach.

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