Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Martin Chesbrough Principal Consultant, EverestEngineering

Quinton Quartel

About Martin Chesbrough

Martin Chesbrough is a continuous learner operating at the intersection of technology, data and organisations. He started work as a software developer, transitioning to database consultant and data warehouse expert during his time at Oracle, leading major data warehouse projects across Asia-Pacific. Martin then spent 15 years in the telecom industry, where he experienced and led several transformations for more than 10,000 people, across Europe, Middle-East and Asia. Martin worked for Nokia Networks at the time that Nokia experienced 2 separate agile transformations, although he was not involved in either.

After working as a CIO for ASX100 company, Martin left corporate life for startups in the vain hope that they could be more human and more agile. Despondent with the inability of the corporate managers to found startups that truly embraced agile principles, Martin joined Everest Engineering as an intern. At Everest, Martin has run programs with dozens of engineering teams, as well as startups just spinning up their first MVP. He now works on (mainly) data engineering and data science projects where he spends his time trying to improve the way we manage data and modernise data engineering practices.

Session Taming the data monster

Do you ever feel like your data project is a monstrous tangle of information, with no clear path to a trustworthy data platform? You’re not alone! In this talk, Martin Chesbrough will share real-world stories from the trenches of data wrangling, where we battled complex historical data and the limitations of traditional Agile approaches. Scrum, Kanban – you name it, we’ve tried it. But what truly tamed the data monster? Discover how we leveraged techniques from Extreme Programming to bring order to the chaos, and ended up with a truly agile approach to data projects. Join Martin to learn how to conquer your own “data monster” and build a reliable data platform that empowers your team with trustworthy insights.