Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Denis Sunny Organisation Architect, Trainer & Consultant

Quinton Quartel

About Denis Sunny

Denis Sunny is a trainer and consultant specialising in transforming organisations for high adaptability. He chose this focus due to being a critical systems thinker who values logic, real-life experiences, and scientific research over the magic words of nice marketing speeches. In his career spanning over two decades in banking, fintech, automotive, and digital industries, Denis executed various roles across technical, process, product, and people-focused domains while holding positions ranging up to senior management. As a result, he gained insights into how organisations function from multiple perspectives. Over the last ten years, he has focused on helping organisations transform to unlock their potential in achieving strategic goals. While collaborating with organisations of diverse sizes, ranging from small startups to industry giants such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Deutsche Bank, he has come to appreciate the unique nature of each company within its specific context. Thus, Denis does not believe in the effectiveness of one-size-fits-all approaches. Yet, another crucial discovery was that overarching laws of organisational behaviour consistently apply. Denis witnessed how high adaptability created a crucial competitive advantage, while its absence led companies to falter. This has become increasingly evident in recent years. Therefore, here is Denis’s mission: the more organisations achieve high adaptability, the more their products and services will delight their customers; ultimately, more people will be happier as customers, shareholders, and employees. Denis invites you to join him in making this world a happier place together.

Session 1000-person authentic agility in a global automotive corporation

Amidst the current boom in technical innovation, organisational innovation lags far behind. However, there are remarkable instances where it does succeed. In this session, Denis Sunny will share an overview of one such case: the journey of a traditional corporate department that underwent a radical reorganisation to achieve an outstanding level of true agility on a scale of over 1,000 people. Although it was not a fairy tale with all of the remaining challenges, many people describe this experience as incredible, enlightening, and inspiring.

Every company is unique, and the specific organisational set-up that worked for this company (the LeSS Huge framework) might be suboptimal for others. This session will not encourage you to just copy-paste. The focus will be on the systems-thinking-based approach to finding a solution, such as choosing an Agile framework or inventing your own, that would fit the specific organisational context.

This session will explore the following questions:

  • What were their original problems?
  • How did they choose the solutions?
  • What benefits did they reap?
  • What were the remaining challenges?
  • What is the main lesson learned?

Join this session to learn the answers to these questions, then harness this knowledge to unlock the true potential of your own company!