Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Nick Roder Intensive Care Flight Paramedic

Quinton Quartel

About Nick Roder

Nick Roder commenced paramedicine in 1991, progressing through to intensive care practice in 1996. In 2001 he joined Air Ambulance Victoria as a Flight Paramedic, undertaking aeromedical care of critical patients, along with search and rescue missions.

A parallel career as an educator emerged, gaining a masters in education and exploring education in paramedicine domestically and internationally. Key interests in this field include trauma management, interhospital retrieval and the complexities of the respiratory patient.

Nick is passionate about ‘safe-space’ learning, the fostering of a positive cultural environment and understanding the behaviours that support the technical skills.

Session Paramedicine - like agility - is a team sport

with Caidyrn Roder Agile Coach and Co-founder, ProSocia

On the surface, paramedics and agilists seem worlds apart. However, Paramedicine – like agility – is a team sport. There is a lot that we can learn from each other.

The common link is that in both fields humans are the delivery system.

In paramedicine, humans deliver care that saves and improves the lives of their patients.

In business, humans deliver products and services that create value for the business and its customers.

In both cases, it’s humans who are responsible for delivering outcomes.

Once we understand that, we can ask: are we empowering our people or getting in their way?

This talk explores how paramedics deal with their unique, chaotic environment, creating a collaborative culture that supports effective teams. It includes actionable insights, showing how these strategies can be applied in a business context to improve teams’ ability to deliver value together.