Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Mon 12 – Tue 13 Aug 2024 • Melbourne

Robert Postill Founder, Privay

Quinton Quartel

About Robert Postill

Robert Postill is a proven global technology leader in several business domains and delivery methodologies for over twenty years. As a CTO in several leading organisations and six startups, Robert has been at the forefront of the most significant digital and technology change. He has also been an Agile practitioner for over twenty years—certainly long enough to have practised eXtreme Programming. Over the last few years, Robert has been focused on Privacy and Cyber Security. He has spoken regularly at events and works to mentor others.

Session Speeding up delivery with Privacy Impact Assessment canvases

We regularly create healthcare applications or work with people’s financial data. Losing this data is different to losing your social media posts. It’s far more impactful and likely to attract government and regulatory attention. So how do we improve? How do we secure and protect the data required to provide high-impact applications?

The answer is a combination of:

Creating regular assessments of the data you hold from a privacy and security point of view

Shifting that assessment practice from your legal and cybersecurity team back to your development teams.

In Security and Privacy circles, Privacy Impact Assessments are the tool of choice for understanding the risks your data poses. But these are long documents with a heavy bias to legal understanding.

So could we make something more Agile? Something easier to digest and embed in our teams? Yes, we can!

Join this talk to look at Privacy Impact Assessment canvases, a tool to make security and privacy an integral part of your development process.