Update on COVID-19
Get Involved
Speak at AgileAus20-1
In 2020, and now into 2021, AgileAus continues to iterate on the ways in which we bring about a balanced program that represents the depth and breadth of the Australian Agile community.
Pivoting on the theme of To Agility and Beyond, the AgileAus20-1 program will comprise a magic mix of case studies, practical talks and inspirational stories that represent the diverse journeys towards agility underway in Australia (and beyond!).
In a nutshell, AgileAus20-1 will feature:
- Guest Speakers who are invited to share their perspectives on must-have topics
- Community Speakers who put their hands up by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) from February 2020 onwards
- Sponsored Speakers who are put forward to represent organisations that have partnered with AgileAus on a sponsorship basis.
If you are interested in sponsoring a session at AgileAus20-1 please drop us a line at sponsorship@agileaustralia.com.au.

Volunteer at AgileAus20-1

Reviewers & program guides
To help build the best Conference program possible, AgileAus relies on the expertise of a team of reviewers that help uncover potential talks and give feedback to speaker EOIs.
In addition to helping EOIs reach their potential and shaping a balanced program, reviewers can also help as program guides. Program guides pair with speakers to act as sounding boards and help refine their talks to be the best that they can be.
If you’re interested in volunteering as a reviewer or program guide for AgileAus20-1 please get in touch via email to team@agileaustralia.com.au – we’d love to hear from you!

Student Volunteers
We always love hearing from students that are curious about better ways of working and who can help the Conference run smoothly by packing and handing out satchels, running mics, minding doors, and generally assisting with the management of the 1200+ Conference attendees.
To express your interest in getting involved with AgileAus20-1 as a Student Volunteer, please get in touch via email: team@agileaustralia.com.au, along with your best contact details and the name of the university/school you currently attend.
Stay in the loop
To receive updates about AgileAus and be subscribed to the mailing list, send us an email with your first name, last name and email address to signup@agileaustralia.com.au.
Follow us on social media and join the conversation using the hashtag #agileaus.