Georgina Robilliard

VP of People, Buildkite
Georgina Robilliard

About Georgina Robilliard

Georgina Robilliard is VP of People at Buildkite and has been working with people in the technology industry for a decade. For nearly half of that time, she’s been leading remote-first organisations to improve the experience that people have at work. Georgina builds teams and organisations that inspire people to thrive at work and support each other professionally. She firmly believes that people feel good at work when they do good work. Georgina is a dog enthusiast and cheese-lover!

InvitedLeading remotely

The pandemic of recent years has given us all a taste of working remotely, but not all remote work works well. For Buildkite, remote work was a business decision that has been driving the organisation since it launched in 2013, yet and even for them, the pandemic taught some things about how to work effectively remotely.

In this talk, Georgina will highlight strategies developed and lessons learned by Buildkite, as a remote-first organisation in a world where just about everyone has tried working remotely.

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