Katrina Kolt
About Katrina Kolt
Katrina Kolt is a change agent in an Agile wrapper, with experience executing large scale transformations at GE Capital, AGL, IAG and ANZ. At heart though, she is a Coach, committed to building dynamic and adaptable workplaces one conversation at a time.
As a maximiser and futurist, Katrina is fascinated by current thinking on adult development and human potential. Katrina’s current focus is new ways of working capability uplift at Coles, where she leads a team of Coaches. She brings a professional (ICF) and systems coaching (ORSC) lens to her leadership and transformation work.
Unleashing human and organisational potential
In An Everyone Culture, Kegan and Lahey ask the question, “What if a company did everything within its power to create the conditions for individuals to …see errors and weaknesses as prime opportunities for personal growth? What would it look like to ‘do work’ in a way that enabled organisations and their employees to be partners in each other’s flourishing?”
This talk unpacks three vital ingredients to finding your own growing edge. Come along to hear what’s possible in organisations that truly enable folks to grow!
Change your mindset on adult development, and come away with a kitbag of ways to activate your own and other’s growth potential.
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