Phil Gadzinski

Global Head of CoEs, Bupa

Governing with Agility

Traditional Agile leadership and governance structures are specifically designed to help teams excel when they are co-located, what can you do when that’s not possible?

Social distancing and lockdowns have forced an unexpected shift to remote working, and many businesses have been caught unprepared. While some had no remote working capability at all, others were able to successfully enable their whole company to work from home. However, once the initial shift was made, few have clear processes or procedures in place for how to work together remotely over a sustained amount of time. Traditional Agile leadership and governance structures are specifically designed to help teams excel when they are co-located, what can you do when that’s not possible?

As the ongoing impact of COVID-19 continues to emerge, organisations with Agile teams are among the best-positioned to succeed, given their ability to adapt to a rapidly changing business environment. With organisations focused on their ability to maintain profitability and survive, effectiveness and efficiency counts greatly. However to sustain the effectiveness of their Agile teams, leaders must now overcome a new challenge. We need to collectively modernise how we govern our work for both the next normal and a sustained remote working context. “There ‘aint no going back….”

Attend this interactive talk to learn:

  • The compelling need for Agility in governance
  • To traditional governance everything looks like a nail
  • What is agile governance?
  • Transitioning from onsite to remote governance
  • Overview the “Guiding Hand of Governance”:
    • Organisational Transparency
    • Work Patterns
    • Data based Decisioning
    • Humanistic Leadership
    • Deep Dive into Agile leadership
    • The Thumb – The Digital Obeya – tying it all together
  • Agile Works
  • The future of remote work – why it’s here to stay!
About Phil Gadzinski

A recognised contributor in the Agile community in Australia and globally, Phil Gadzinski is constantly focusing on learning and growing, taking that experience to the Executive and Senior Leadership teams he works with as they embark on transforming their businesses for the digital age. Agile is about fostering nimble, adaptive organisations that respond to and initiate change. For more than 10 years his passion has been working to help organisations transform their business, free up their bureaucracy, and to achieve their business goals and create the ability to move. He now works for the Global and the ANZ CTAOs of a multinational, multi-business model HealthCare provider in leading their global engineering capability uplift via Centres of Enablement, supporting digital and technology teams in 15 countries with many different cultures and ways of working. He is also one of the co-creators/co-authors of “The Remote Agility Framework” the world’s first framework for effective remote working and serves as a Heart of Agile guide as part of the global Heart of Agile movement.

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