8-9 DECEMBER 2021 • Hilton Sydney
8-9 DECEMBER 2021 • Hilton Sydney

Speaker Information

We are thrilled that you’ll be a part of AgileAus21!

Below, we have collected all important information about your speaking role. Please read with care so you can be well equipped for this journey.

Important Contacts

Adina Thavisin • Content and Community, Slatterys
+61 3 9663 3093 |

Conference Venue

Hilton Sydney
488 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
+61 2 9266 2000 |


If you have any queries about AgileAus21 and your participation, or if you are not unsure about any of the information on this page, please feel free to contact us!

AgileAus21 Key Dates


Wednesday 8 – Thursday 9 December 2021
9:00am – 5:30pm
Hilton Sydney

(Complimentary for speakers)


Friday 10 December 2021
Full-day: 9:00am-5:00pm
Half-day: 9:00am-12:30pm
Half-day: 1:30pm-5:00pm
Sydney venue TBC

(Ticketed events)

Next steps

Speaker details - about you!

If you haven’t already, please send through the below to for publishing in marketing materials and online ASAP:

  • A high res headshot (approx 3.5mb)
  • A brief biography
  • Your suggested talk title and a brief overview of your topic (undercooked is fine!)

Promoting AgileAus21 - spreading the word!

Please feel free to share your 10% network discount AA21-FRIENDS to those in your midst. Please use the hashtag #AgileAus when sharing on social media. We’re also on Twitter (@agileaus), LinkedIn (Agile Australia), Facebook (Agile Australia), and Instagram (@agileaus).

Key Speaker Dates


  • All speaker topics go live
  • Please let Adina know via email to to lock in a 30 minute practice run (Squid Tank*) via Zoom
    • Wednesday 27 October @ 2-4pm: Squid tank 2
    • Thursday 28 October @ 4-6pm: Squid tank 3

    *More dates coming soon

  • We will introduce you to a Program Guide (friendly member of the AgileAus community) who will ‘buddy’ with you to develop your talk so it has the best chance to resonate with the audience

Second week of November 2021

  • Full Conference program to go live
  • Program Guides and speakers to confirm they’re happy for their talks to go ahead in writing

Monday 29 November 2021

  • Please send at least a draft of your presentation slides so we can test them
    Let us know if you require help with making your presentation slides fantastic!
  • Please advise if you do not wish media to record your presentation
    Please also advise if you do not wish to have your presentation slides loaded onto the Conference website
  • Please send your mobile number to and ETA to the Conference (if you are not attending the whole time)

Preparing for your session

Program Guides

Program Guides work alongside speakers to help them refine their message, offer context on the AgileAus community and act as a sounding board.

Speakers and program guides are expected to:

  • Have a genuine and serious intent to present the best possible session at AgileAus21
  • Be ready to give, receive, accept and act on feedback
  • Be honest and forthright in discussions
  • Engage in a timely manner.

Program Guides will be allocated to you, if you have not got one or have any questions about your guide please let us know.

Keynote and invited speakers are welcome to request the help of a Program Guide if preferred.

Who will be in the audience?

AgileAus has had over 1000 attendees for the last few years however this time around we may have less due to venue density restrictions. Attendees hail from the largest enterprises specialising in telecommunications, finance and insurance, as well as Australia’s leading digital businesses.

To give you an idea of who’ll be attending, these were the five most common job titles of attendees at AgileAus19:

  • Coaches – Agile, Delivery; Scrum Master; Consultant
  • Director
  • Architect /Software Developer / Engineer / Technical Lead
  • Project / Iteration / Program Manager
  • Business Analyst

    Sending your presentation slides - detailed

    Please send any slides you will be using for your Conference presentation to Slatterys by COB Monday 29 November 2021 via this dropbox link:

    A PDF version of speaker presentation slides will be made accessible to all Conference attendees post-Conference via a private link. Please advise us in writing prior to the Conference if you do not give permission for your slides to be made available.

    You will receive an email from Dropbox ( confirming your files were uploaded.

    **Please note: The screen ratio is 16:9**

    Presentation requirements:

    • Please make sure your first name and last name is in the filename:
      • eg: agileaus-2021-Firstname-Lastname.pptx
    • Append any versions (V1, V2, etc – the higher the number, the more recent it is) or date your files (YYMMDD) at the end
      • eg: agileaus-2021-Adina-Thavisin-V3.key
      • eg: agileaus-2021-Joan-Smith-200520.ppt
    • It is preferred that your files are 150MB or less if possible (or otherwise zipped)
    • Please package (compress/zip) any fonts, videos, notes, instructions and upload them
    • Please load your preferred PDF version of your slides so we can send it out to attendees (post-event). You can also email us an external link to your slides (eg: slideshare)

    If you are using videos in your presentation, we will not accept online video platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Please make sure videos are embedded in MP4 or equivalent format and saved as a separate file for backup.

    If you have specific AV requirements, such as sound, internet connection (eg: Google Slides), etc, please advise Slatterys ASAP.

    Please note: we do not recommend that you live stream your talk. You may, however, use audio and video recorders to record your Conference presentation. Any material recorded by AgileAus will, of course, be sent to the speaker for confirmation and authorisation before publishing.

    Presentation support

    If you would like some help to make your presentation slides the best they can be, please email and we will get you the support you need.

    Join the AgileAus Slack channel

    We welcome all questions and conversations! Please feel free to join the Slack channel through this link here.

    How long am I speaking for?

    Unless you are keynoting or you have agreed on a different format with organisers (e.g 20 mins or a 5 minute lightning talk), your session slot is a total of 40 minutes long, including Q&A. A friendly Slatterys staff member will indicate when you have FIVE minutes remaining, TWO minutes remaining, and when you must conclude immediately. It is not possible to run over-time due to the Conference’s tight schedule.

    An MC will introduce you at the beginning of your presentation and thank you at the end. Your full biography will be included in the program booklet. Please do not spend any of your presentation time introducing yourself.

    If you have time for Q&A, your MC will facilitate questions for you from the lectern.

    AV and Media

    Audio Visual Information

    At AgileAus21, you will be presenting on a stage which has a lectern and one projection screen behind you that is viewable to the audience – displaying your slides. All presentations will run from laptops at the back of the room (or AV desk) and you will have a clicker (remote mouse) to move through your slides from the stage.

    Please note that at the lectern you will not be able to see your presentation notes. If you really need to see them while presenting please let us know prior to the Conference!

    We would like you to be mic’d up before your talk. This will need to happen at the back of the room at the AV desk during the break prior to your talk. As introductions will be very short it is important that you are ready to go as soon as the speaker in front of you wraps up. Please be ready to take the stage at least five minutes before your presentation starts, to ensure a smooth transition between speakers.

    If you are speaking with someone else we will ensure that you will both have lapels and one clicker between you both.

    If you have specific AV requirements, such as sound, internet connection, etc, please advise Slatterys ASAP.

    Testing your slides on the day

    You are welcome to test your slides in the room in which you will be presenting during the breaks before your session. Before testing your slides, please speak with a Slatterys team member or the Venue’s AV Tech who’ll be in the room to assist you.

    Media at AgileAus21

    There will be media present at AgileAus. Please alert us if you do not wish media to record your presentation or if you do not wish to have the PDF version of your slides distributed to the media.


    Sharing your slides

    PDFs of your slides will be sent to attendees – if you have a specific slideshare link or a preferred PDF please let us know. If you would prefer not to share your slides please flag this ASAP.

    Photos at AgileAus21

    Photos captured during the Conference will be loaded to Flickr and sent to you post Conference.

    About AgileAus21

    Agile Australia is a national Agile Conference held annually since 2009. Supported by the Agile Alliance and a passionate community of Agilists. You can find out more about the Conference here.

    Agile Australia 21 will pivot on the theme of What Matters Most!

    Past examples of AgileAus talks are available for viewing here.

    Social Media

    Follow us on Twitter @agileaus and be sure to use the hashtag #agileaus. We’re also on LinkedIn (Agile Australia), Facebook (Agile Australia), Instagram (@agileaus), and Slack (

    Stay in the loop

    To receive updates about AgileAus and be subscribed to the mailing list, send us an email with your first namelast name and email address to

    Follow us on social media and join the conversation using the hashtag #agileaus.

    About AgileAus21

    Contact Us

    Past Conferences

    2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009

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