Cherie Mylordis

Cherie Mylordis
About Cherie Mylordis
Cherie Mylordis is a sought-after transformation and leadership coach who guides organisations and their people to achieve extraordinary outcomes.
With three decades of experience leading complex change programs, Cherie has a deep understanding of the challenges facing today’s business leaders. Her in-depth knowledge and expertise across transformation, culture change and innovation, equips leaders to turn their vision into decisive action.
Cherie’s track record of achievements includes work with large corporates, top-tier consulting, government departments and not-for-profits. She credits the five years spent in strategy and senior management roles for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games for shaping her approach to leadership, purpose and collaboration on a massive scale.
Cherie now provides contemporary consulting and coaching for executives and leaders with high-impact goals, drawing on a spectrum of established and emerging disciplines. She is currently leading strategy and leadership programs for the public sector and has recently coached teams on innovation sprints in Australia and overseas.
A passionate supporter of social purpose organisations, Cherie provides pro-bono strategic advice and coaching in this sector.
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