Marina Chiovetti

Marina Chiovetti
Climate change doesn’t cause bushfires – leadership does
About Marina Chiovetti
Marina Chiovetti is a Digital Leader focused on people development in the Product & Strategy space, with over 15 years experience in digital development and organisational change in various companies around the world including Canada, USA (SF), China, Africa, and Australia.
Her success is from creating strong relationships with stakeholders & delivering co-created outcomes. Leveraging her Agile, Lean, & Experience Design knowledge, she has increased passion and performance in teams, and created product cultures that attract and retain the best talent. She believes data and insights isn’t just a role we add-on to a team, it’s at the heart of how the entire team evolves a service offering to better meet customer needs.
Marina is passionate about People Development: using coaching techniques, Neuro Semantics, and Leadership Agility frameworks, She encourages leaders to shift from operating in “Expert Mode” to being comfortable leading as a catalyst for greater change. She believes in creating the environment (culture) for individuals to thrive in, and supporting them to take risks and stretch beyond where they are today.
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