Victor Dominello

Victor Dominello
Minister for Customer Service, and Minister for Digital, New South Wales Government
About Victor Dominello
Victor Dominello is a senior Minister in the New South Wales Government and has held various portfolios over the last decade including Aboriginal Affairs, Innovation and Finance. In 2019 he was appointed the inaugural Minister for Customer Service and in 2021 was also appointed the inaugural Minister for Digital. Victor firmly believes the use of real-time data and technology are the most powerful ways to improve quality of life and reduce suffering. Victor is a member of the Crisis Cabinet that has led the NSW response to Covid-19. His particular focus has been on delivering digital solutions such as the Service NSW QR code check-in feature and the real-time data analysis which has informed the state’s decision making. During his time in the Customer Service and Digital portfolios Victor has been the driving force behind the roll out of the Digital Driver Licence, the establishment of the $2.1 billion Digital Restart Fund and the rapid expansion of Service NSW app, including through the use of QR code check-ins, the roll out of Dine and Discover vouchers and the notification of Covid test results.More AgileAus speakers you may like to hear from
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